

My name is Emily and I graduated from Indiana University in 2013 with degrees in Spanish and Neuroscience. Now, I'm just a 22 year-old and I'm trying to find my place in the world!

Me in Puerta del Sol in July 2012, celebrating Spain's EuroCup win!!! 

Heading straight for a career in healthcare and science, I took a break for a semester my junior year, in Spring 2012, to focus on my Spanish degree in Madrid, Spain.  I had no idea how much that semester would impact my choices throughout the next year and a half (and counting)!

I relaxed a bit and enjoyed the Spanish culture, traveled my way around Spain and Europe, and came out as confused as ever about what my future held.

Putting my plans for graduate schooling aside, I applied for jobs to take a beat and figure out my life.  In January 2013, I applied through the Ministry of Education to be a Language and Culture Assistant in Spain for the 2013-2014 school year as a back-up option if I didn't get an offer.

In June, while traveling through Spain with friends before starting my "real person" job in Washington, D.C., I got an email that I was accepted to the Auxiliares de conversación program in none other than mi ciudad favorita, Madrid!

Read along here as I try to outline my experiences in Madrid, attempt number two. If for nothing other than pure amusement, you can find my posts here from 2012, and read about how I got acquainted to Europe (before I got too busy and had too much fun to update!).